S-Embroidery.com :: Embroidery for Kids :: 10281 Baby machine embroidery set

10281 Baby machine embroidery set

10281 Baby machine embroidery set
Baby bottle machine embroidery design Baby pacifier machine embroidery design Baby rattle machine embroidery design Corner machine embroidery design
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A nice set of 4 baby machine embroidery designs. All designs are available in 2 sizes. The smaller sized designs will fit in a 4 x 4 hoop.

SKU 10277 Baby bottle machine embroidery design

A sweet baby bottle embroidery.

Large: 4.58 x 5.38 inches (116.3 x 136.6 mm)
Stitches: 10,672
Colors: 10

Small: 3.91 x 3.33 inches (99.4 x 84.6 mm)
Stitches: 7,327
Colors: 10

SKU 10278 Baby pacifier machine embroidery design

A nice baby pacifier embroidery.

Large: 3.24 x 5.11 inches (82.4 x 129.8 mm)
Stitches: 6,413
Colors: 5

Small: 2.36 x 3.72 inches (99.4 x 84.6 mm)
Stitches: 4,012
Colors: 5

SKU 10279 Baby rattle machine embroidery design

A cute baby rattle embroidery.

Large: 2.65 x 4.13 inches (67.2 x 104.9 mm)
Stitches: 8,158
Colors: 8

Small: 1.93 x 3 inches (49 x 76.3 mm)
Stitches: 5,041
Colors: 8

SKU 10280 Corner machine embroidery design

A corner decoration embroidery.

Large: 4.30 x 3.11 inches (109.1 x 79.1 mm)
Stitches: 6,506
Colors: 6

Small: 3.13 x 2.27 inches (79.4 x 57.6 mm)
Stitches: 4,491
Colors: 6
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    Important notes:

    1. Before adding a design to cart, please make sure that you have picked the correct format for your embroidery machine
    and that design size will fit in the working area of your machine's hoop .

    2. Delivery is made by E-mail only. Designs will be sent as file attachments as soon as possible.
    Subject to time difference delivery may take up to few hours.

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