Freestanding lace table runner & doily tutorial
See how to prepare a beautiful table runner with freestanding lace and fabric.
The tutorial features the creation of our 10329 Floral Freestanding Lace Table Runner Set .
Similar freestanding lace projects are the 10308 Freestanding Lace-Floral Doily and the 10330 Freestanding Lace Doily Set
In order to create this fine free standing lace decorated table runner you will need:
- Our Freestanding lace floral table runner set : 10329 FSL Floral Table Runner Set
- Water-soluble stabilizer suitable for stitching out freestanding lace (we prefer Vilene DO104)
- Suitable machine embroidery thread: We find that polyester thread for sewing machine (NOT embroidery) is especially suitable for these designs. In order to have the stitched out embroidery look the same on both sides, we would recommend that you use the same upper and bobbin thread.
- Suitable fabric of your choice (we used linen to create the table runner featured on our site). Since some fabrics tend to shrink, you may want to dip the fabric in water for 2 hours before using it and then dry and iron it.
Step-by-step instructions for creating the table runner
1. Hoop the water-soluble stabilizer. Depending on the type of stabilizer you are using, you may have to hoop up to 4 layers. Make sure it is hooped very tight and stays that way.
2. Stitch out the design components.

3. Cut away the excess stabilizer. It will be easier to not cut the stabilizer close to the design outline from all sides. It is enough to do this only from the sides were the pieces are to be connected as shown on the image to the right.
4. Connect the components to each other with manual stitches from the back side, using the same thread you used to stitch out the designs. The places to apply the stitches are marked with red on the image below
When you have connected all the pieces:
5. Place the connected lace components face up on top of the fabric. You can attach the lace to the fabric with pins or with temporary manual stitches. We prefer to use the second method as it is usually better at holding the lace and fabric together.
If the colors of the freestanding lace and the fabric are very similar, you may want to trace the outline of the lace with an invisible marking pen (like the one on the picture). This will make stitching easier. The ink from such a pen will disappear usually after 5-10 minutes when you place the material in water, or after 24 hours.
Although using such pens is considered absolutely safe, we would recommend that you test it with the thread / fabric you are going to use.
6. Stitch the freestanding lace to the fabric. Use machine zig-zag stitch – we used a 3 mm stitch with a density of 0.5 mm.
When you have finished stitching the freestanding lace and the fabric together:
7. Cut away the excess fabric and dip the table runner in water until the stabilizer has been completely dissolved.
8. Let the table runner dry on an towel and then iron it.
Congratulations! Your freestanding lace decorated table runner is ready.
You will find other fine freestanding lace designs of this type in the Freestanding lace and fabric Doily and runners section of our machine embroidery designs catalog.